Tuesday 9 April 2013

Intelligent Obstacle Avoiding Robot


In the field of Robotics, starting from Unmanned Aerial Vehicle to Land Rovers, all employ some form of obstacle avoidance technology. Obstacle avoidance plays a crucial role in the development of intelligent rovers that can detect obstacles in their paths automatically and navigate all by themselves avoiding the obstacles. So, here in this article we will attempt to build a system using Atmega 8 microcontroller and dedicated obstacle detecting sensors to replicate obstacle avoidance behavior. 

Obstacle Avoidance

Just imagine how a blind guy would navigate through a given terrain. He must be having a stick which he uses as a detector for his obstacles…Suppose there is a wall to his front; he keeps swiping his stick back and forth and in the horizontal motion. So he would swipe his stick and he would feel the obstacle…right? Now he has three choices; either he would turn left or right or move back and go in the other direction perhaps. Here in the domain of electronics, we have sensors to do the detection! It’s on us to add the intelligence to it, so that it can navigate through the terrain.
In this particular article we will explore the field of “intelligent obstacle avoidance”. Now there is a specific reason to why I call it intelligent. Although we will be using concepts of finite Automata into the obstacle avoiding problem, there is not much to worry. The concepts used here will open up new perspectives for the improvement of traditional robots that uses simple logic (I mean those which don’t employ Automata Theory to their design!)


Let’s define our problem statement. You will have to build a robot that is smart enough to avoid obstacles in its path and navigate autonomously through a given terrain full of obstacles.

Problem Figure

Here the rover is surrounded by walls in all the three sides.

General Layout Of The Rover

This is the general layout of the rover. We have three TSOP sensor modules mounted at the front, left and right of the rover. We have used BO type motors to save space and money.(BO's are cheaper than conventional DC motors!)

Circuit Diagram

(Click on the image to enlarge)


Sensors for obstacle avoidance come in different forms employing different techniques for obstacle detection. There are Ultrasonic Ping sensors which use ultrasonic waves for object detection and ranging, but these are costly. Again there are SHARP IR sensors which are again a very costly solution to your needs. Then there are normal IR LED and Sensor pairs which you can use, but these normal IR sensor pairs have a major drawback, which is that these gets confused by ambient IR light. So, how do we find a better solution? Well if you only consider obstacle detection (and not distance ranging!), then the effective solution is to use a TSOP sensor. These sensors although basically are of IR type but they don’t get confused by ambient IR light. Hence you get efficient obstacle detection. Dedicated TSOP sensor modules are available in the market, buy there of them; each for the left, front and right of the rover.


For the motors you could use any normal DC motor of preferably lower RPM. Although BO type DC motors are quite popular in robotics for low torque applications. Get about a 60-100 RPM motor. You will need two of them (There is one Castor wheel in the middle of the front end).

Theoretical Solution for Obstacle Avoidance

 Table 1: Input Table

Sensor Input
L - F - R
0 - 0 - 0
All clear Move ahead
0 - 0 - 1
Wall to the right
0 - 1 - 0
Wall at front
0 - 1 - 1
Wall at front and to the right
1 - 0 - 0
Wall to the left
1 - 0 - 1
Wall to the left and to the right
1 - 1 - 0
Wall at front and to the left
1 - 1 - 1
Wall at all side

       Table 2: Output Table

Practical Meaning of Output
Move Straight
Stop, move back  slightly and take a Left turn
Stop, move back  slightly and take a Right turn
Stop, move back  slightly and turn 180 degree

Source Code 

Here I present a sample code for the Obstacle Avoiding Rover. The code is written for Atmega 8 Micro-controller, although it could be easily modified for an Atmega 16/32 Micro-controller. After compiling it in AVR STUDIO, you will get the equivalent hex code which you need to flash into the Microcontroller using some AVR programmer hardware.(Click here for the Serial AVR programmer circuit.)

#define F_CPU 1000000UL     //set your clock speed
#include <avr/io.h>
#include <util/delay.h>

/*Left Sensor connected to PC 0 of Atmega 8
  Right Sensor connected to PC 1 of Atmega 8
  Front Sensor connected to PC 2 of Atmega 8

/*A1-->PB0--> + --> +ve of the left motor
  A2-->PB1--> - --> -ve of the left motor
  B1-->PB2--> + --> +ve of the right motor
  B2-->PB3--> - --> -ve of the right motor

int move_backward=0b00000110;
int right_turn=0b00001010;
int move_forward=0b00001001;
int left_turn=0b00000101;
int left_sensor_on=0b0000001;
int right_sensor_on=0b0000010;
int front_sensor_on=0b0000100;
int left_sensor_off=0b0000000;
int right_sensor_off=0b0000000;
int front_sensor_off=0b0000000;

void wait(float x)             // Delay function
for(int i=0;i<(int)(1302*x);i++)

void main ()

DDRB = 0xFF; //Output port
DDRC = 0b0000000; //input port

  int left_sensor = 0;
  int right_sensor = 0;
  int front_sensor = 0;

while(1)   //create an infinite loop
 left_sensor = (PINC & 0b0000001);
 right_sensor = (PINC & 0b0000010);
 front_sensor = (PINC & 0b0000100);

if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_off) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_off) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_on))
PORTB = move_backward;             //move backward
PORTB=right_turn;                    //take a right turn

if((left_sensor==left_sensor_off) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_off) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_off))
            PORTB=move_forward;                  //move forward

      if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_on) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_off) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_off))

 if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_off) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_on) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_off))

 if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_off) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_on) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_on))

  if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_on) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_on) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_off))

 if(( left_sensor==left_sensor_on) & (right_sensor==right_sensor_off) & (front_sensor==front_sensor_on))




  1. Can you give programming with only one sensor please URGENTLY NEEDED

  2. Can you give programming with only one sensor please URGENTLY NEEDED
